Science | ATLAS in Quicktime VR
ATLAS is a particle physics experiment that will explore the fundamental nature of matter and the basic forces that shape our universe. The ATLAS detector will search for new discoveries in the head on collisions of protons of extraordinarily high energy ATLAS is the largest collaborative effort ever attempted in the physical sciences.
More info on Wikipedia. Check
here a cool Quicktime VR view (with sound) of the building progress.
Daily sketchbook #033

Doodling with Painter
Design | Vektorika

Some great designwork in this
online magazine from Also check their
kalender project! All issues are in PDF format.
Cool Gadget | iCube
boynq® introduces her first ‘made for iPod’ speaker and docking unit; the iCube.
Earlier this year the Dutch oriented, young and fast growing brand boynq® managed to obtain an agreement with Apple that allows her to develop products under the prestigious ‘made for iPod’ programme. The first result of this cooperation is named ‘the iCube’ which is a high-end stereo speaker with an integrated docking system for the iPod. The iCube is compatible with: iPod mini , iPod with dock connector (only 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 60Gb), iPod photo. The docking connector on the rear of the iCube allows you to directly connect the iPod with a computer while being docked in the iCube. The iPod automatically charges itself via the USB or Firewire cable while inserted.
Photography | Evening sky

Location: Vlissingen, the Netherlands | time 17:48 22 nov. 2005
Daily sketchbook #032

A page from my moleskine pocketnotebook

What if you want to share your Ipod music with friends who don't have Itunes? Yamipod does it. Install Yamipod on your Ipod and share your music on every PC or Mac!
"...YamiPod is a freeware application to efficiently manage your iPod under Mac OS X, Windows and Linux. It can be run directly from your iPod and needs no installation. Take a look at the feature list to find out what it can do and feel free to suggest anything that might be missing..."
Check out